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wiki:outlaw [2024/02/22 05:09] norbertwiki:outlaw [2024/05/22 05:42] (aktuell) – [Literatur] norbert
Zeile 19: Zeile 19:
   * ''Hobsbawn, Eric''\\ //Social Bandits and Primitive Rebels//\\ Studies in archaic forms of social movement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.\\ 288 S.  1959 Manchester University Press, zuletzt London : Abacus 2017   * ''Hobsbawn, Eric''\\ //Social Bandits and Primitive Rebels//\\ Studies in archaic forms of social movement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.\\ 288 S.  1959 Manchester University Press, zuletzt London : Abacus 2017
   * ''Keen, Maurice''\\ //The outlaws of medieval legend.//\\ XXXI, [1], 235, [9] S., 3. A. London 1961/2000: Routledge.Inhalt u.a.:\\ Überlieferungen nd geschichtliche Einordnung zu Greenwood, Hereward, Fulk Fitzwarin, Eustace the Monk, William Wallace und die schottischen Outlaws, Gamelyn, Robin Hood, The Outlaw Ballad as An Expression of Peasant Discontent, The Outlaw in History, Quellen, Bibliographie, Register   * ''Keen, Maurice''\\ //The outlaws of medieval legend.//\\ XXXI, [1], 235, [9] S., 3. A. London 1961/2000: Routledge.Inhalt u.a.:\\ Überlieferungen nd geschichtliche Einordnung zu Greenwood, Hereward, Fulk Fitzwarin, Eustace the Monk, William Wallace und die schottischen Outlaws, Gamelyn, Robin Hood, The Outlaw Ballad as An Expression of Peasant Discontent, The Outlaw in History, Quellen, Bibliographie, Register
 +  * ''Mellinkoff, Ruth''\\ //Outcasts: Signs of Otherness in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages.//\\ (=California studies in the history of art, 32) Band 1 (Text): LVIII, 360 S. Band 2 (Ill.): [458] S. Berkeley 1993: University of California Press.
   * ''Prassel, Frank Richard''\\ //The great American outlaw a legacy of fact and fiction//\\ Norman [Okla.] 1993 : University of Oklahoma Press   * ''Prassel, Frank Richard''\\ //The great American outlaw a legacy of fact and fiction//\\ Norman [Okla.] 1993 : University of Oklahoma Press
   * ''Seal, Graham''\\ //Outlaw Heroes in Myth and History//\\ Cambridge 2012: Cambridge University Press. [[|DOI]]    * ''Seal, Graham''\\ //Outlaw Heroes in Myth and History//\\ Cambridge 2012: Cambridge University Press. [[|DOI]] 
wiki/outlaw.1708578578.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/22 05:09 von norbert

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